Spay and Neuter FAQs

Spay & Neuter FAQ from a Veterinarian in Cave Creek, AZ, at Our Animal Hospital

Are your pets old enough to breed? Have they been spayed or neutered? If not, you could end up with lots of kittens or puppies to care for! Pet spay & neuter services help prevent your pets from reproducing — giving you peace of mind.

Spay and Neuter FAQs

Are you looking for a vet who offers pet neuter and spay surgeries? At Desert Forest Animal Hospital in Cave Creek, AZ, we provide this kind of care, along with pet exams. Let’s explore some of the most common things people ask about these procedures!

Why Should I Consider Having My Pet Spayed or Neutered?

Yes, it means your pet will need to undergo surgery. But it also means your pet has protection from certain health issues. And it reduces some behavioral concerns! Some of the top benefits that pet neuter and spay services provide include:

●             Reduced risk of breast cancer in female dogs and cats

●             Prevents uterine infections in females

●             Lower risk of testicular cancer in males

●             Less risk of having enlarged prostate glands in male dogs and cats

Those are just the health benefits of these procedures. The behavioral benefits they offer include:

●             Less risk of having pets roam away from home

●             Lower risk of having males mark their territory

●             No heat cycles in female pets

Is It Safe?

Yes! Even though it’s a type of surgery, it’s a routine procedure that’s done frequently. You can bring your pet home the same day. They might have a few side effects after pet spay or neuter surgery — but these are just temporary and mild, such as:

●             Soreness at the incision site

●             Lower energy levels

●             Reduced appetite

What Happens during Spaying and Neutering?

Pet neuter surgery involves removing a male pet’s testicles. With pet spay surgery, we remove the uterus and/or ovaries in female pets. Your pet is under anesthesia at the time, so they don’t feel anything.

What’s the Recovery Process Like?

We’ll have instructions ready for you to help your pet recover. These generally include:

●             Limiting your pet’s activities

●             Providing a quiet place for them

●             Checking the incisions for infections

Get Pet Spay, Pet Neuter, and Pet Exams from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital

Trying to find somewhere near you for this procedure? We can help! Call (480) 488-2010 for pet exams at Desert Forest Animal Hospital in Cave Creek, AZ. Our pet neuter and pet spay services can help keep pet overpopulation down — and benefit your pet’s health and well-being! Contact us for spay and neuter from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital.

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