Microchipping FAQs

Pet Microchipping FAQ from a Veterinarian Near You

Do you have a dog who’s an escape artist? Or does your cat go in and out of the house? Pets can easily get lost or hurt when they’re roaming around. But pet microchipping can help you find them!

Microchipping FAQs

Do you need somewhere close by for dog or cat microchip services? At Desert Forest Animal Hospital in Cave Creek, AZ, we offer this kind of pet care. We’ll walk you through some of the main questions we get about this service — and what makes it so important!

How Does It Work?

This is a simple procedure that implants a dog or cat microchip in your pet. Here’s what to expect:

●             We use a thin hypodermic needle to insert a tiny chip right below your pet’s skin

●             The chip stays in place permanently

●             The chip has a code that allows vets or animal shelters to access a database with your contact info

Why Should I Consider Getting a Cat or Dog Microchip?

There’s always a chance that a pet can get lost. They might run out an open door and take off. Or they might wander off and get lost on vacation. Having a microchip implanted helps boost the chance of being reunited with them should this happen.

It’s not pleasant to think about having a lost pet. But this service can make it easier for someone to contact you and let you know where your pet is. That helps keep them safe from harm!

Is It Safe?

Yes! We understand that some pet owners might worry about this procedure. But it’s completely safe! The chip is tiny and doesn’t bother your pet. And we don’t need to use anesthesia at all. You can have this done during a routine visit.

Does It Have GPS?

No! The microchip doesn’t locate your pet. But it provides a code with access to your contact info in case your pet gets lost. To make sure your pet is set:

●             Register your info with the microchip manufacturer

●             Update your info after moving

Get a Cat Microchip, Dog Microchip, and Pet Care from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital

Planning to have your dog or cat microchipped? We can help! Call (480) 488-2010 for an appointment at Desert Forest Animal Hospital in Cave Creek, AZ, for cat microchip or dog microchip services. Contact our animal hospital for the pet microchipping and pet care your pet may need to stay safe and healthy.


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