Cat Neuter

Why Neutering Your Cat Is an Essential Part of Its Health


One of your responsibilities as a pet owner is keeping your furry friend safe and healthy. You need a veterinarian near you to help care for your furry friend. If you’re in the Cave Creek, AZ, area and looking for a nearby animal hospital, look no further than Desert Forest Animal Hospital. Our veterinarians have been caring for pets in your community since 1984.

Cat Neuter

Why Spay or Neuter Your Pets

One of your essential pet health responsibilities occurs when your pet is old enough to breed. There are over 70 million stray animals in the U.S., and spaying or neutering your pet can prevent the birth of more unwanted stray animals. In addition to controlling the pet population, spay and neuter services can also reduce abnormal behaviors in your pet and decrease its risk for some cancers.

For example, if you own a male cat, neutering refers to the removal of its testicles. Neutering is typically recommended when your cat is six to eight months old. According to Better Vet, waiting until the cat is at least six months old for neutering is advisable because its sex hormones help its bones develop properly.

The Cat Neutering Procedure

The main benefit of neutering a male cat is the prevention of breeding. When a male cat reaches sexual maturity, it begins displaying unwanted behaviors like spraying or fighting with other male cats. The neutering procedure has also been shown to reduce the cat’s risk for prostate or testicular cancer.

At the start of the neutering procedure, the cat will receive anesthesia, the surgery site will be washed, and its scrotal fur will be trimmed. The veterinarian will make an incision in the scrotum, and the testicles and connecting structures will be removed. After the incision is closed, your cat will be supervised in the recovery area until it wakes up. Your vet will provide you with instructions on safely caring for your pet after the neutering procedure.

Call Us Today for Your Pet’s Appointment

Whether your pet needs to be spayed or neutered, or if it’s time for one of its routine exams, our veterinary team is ready to provide your pet with the necessary animal care services. At Desert Forest Animal Hospital, our veterinarians are available for pet health care in the Cave Creek, AZ, area. Call us for an appointment today, and let us help you take care of your furry friend.

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