The importance of Vaccinating your pet

As a pet owner, you want to do everything you can to keep your furry companions happy and healthy. An important part of preventative care is ensuring your pets stay up to date on all his necessary vaccinations. At Desert Forest Animal Hospital, your veterinarian in Cave Creek, AZ, we recommend an annual pet exam, as well as core vaccines for dogs and cats to help keep them safe and healthy.

What Vaccines Do Pets Need?

There are certain “core” vaccines we recommend for almost every pet based on location, lifestyle, and other risk factors:


●             Rabies - Required by law to protect against this fatal disease.

●             DHPP - Protects against parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, and parainfluenza.

●             Leptospirosis - Bacterial disease spread through wildlife urine that can lead to organ damage or death.


●             Rabies - Required by law

●             FVRCP - Protects from viruses like panleukopenia, calicivirus, and rhinotracheitis.

●             FeLV - Prevents the contagious and deadly feline leukemia virus.

Your vet may also recommend other vaccines depending on the risk to your pet.

Why Are Pet Vaccines Important?

Vaccinating your furry companions is important for several reasons:

             Prevents Serious Illness - Diseases like parvo, rabies, and feline leukemia can be fatal if contracted. Vaccines prime the immune system against them.

             Avoids Costly Treatment - Treating illnesses preventable by vaccines may require extensive care.

●             Protects Other Pets - Immunizing creates "herd immunity" that helps keep contagious diseases from spreading among pets.

●             It's The Law - Having a current rabies vaccine is legally mandated to protect public health.

●             Enables Travel - Boarding facilities, groomers, and airlines may require documented vaccine records before accepting pets.

Get Pet Vaccinations and a Pet Exam from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital

As your trusted Cave Creek, AZ, animal hospital, keeping your furry family members healthy is our top priority. Let us know if you have any questions about vaccines for your pet or scheduling an exam. We're here to help protect your pet's health and wellbeing for many years to come. Call us at (480) 488-2010 for pet vaccinations and a pet exam from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital.

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